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Decorative stone

Mental health

Solve concerns in the workplace emerging due to mental health issues. MinuDoc is Estonia's largest partner for various organisations in alleviating issues related to mental and physical health. We offer the most competitive value solutions and are preferred amongst employees.
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We are trusted by
In our experience, up to 10% of employees make an appointment with a mental health professional, whether it be a psychologist, coach or other, during the first week of implementing MinuDoc in the organisation. This shows an immense need for mental support even in the best of working environments. Work related stress or crises in one's private life affect enormously an employees ability to work productively and contribute to the organisation's success.
Mental health package helps organisations to alleviate psychosocial risk factors.
  • Avoid productivity decrease
  • Reduce employee churn
  • Repair a stressful work atmosphere
Specialists logo
Largest selection of mental health professionals in Estonia
Man behind computer
Unlimited use with fixed monthly rate
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Discrete and fast response, bookings often the same day
Many supported languages
Multilingual specialists
High rating
Average rating 4.98 out of 5
Use anywhere
Available globally

How can we help?

You may click on the words below if you would like to get some information and initial advice on self-development and mental health topics.

The preferred service provider amongst employees

MinuDoc lowers the barriers for employees in receiving easy and fast access to the right mental health specialists, be it a psychologist, consultant, coach or other. This has prompted more than five times increase amongst the workforce in approaching mental health specialists compared to other similar services used prior to implementing MinuDoc. The descreeteness of the service and accessibility due to its digital nature creates trust amongst employees.
HR dashboard

Quarterly aggregated feedback on main mental health topics that are relevant to the workforce

Management team and HR appartmend can use the feedback in making decisions that improve the success of the organisation.
Map of Estonia

Largest selection of mental health professionals in Estonia

Variety of professionals for specific needs - clinical psychologists, psychologists, coaches, supervisors, consultants and other.
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